Dear Glen,
there is only the possibility to use HANA Studio to overcome this situation. You need to be extra careful here in order not to risk data loss! Asuming, your tables do only contain a single-level partitioning (i.e. no extra hash or range partitioning on top of the aging partitioning) choose one of the following options:
A. if the partitions you want to get rid of do not yet contain data (i.e. no aged data in the cold partitions), you can drop single partitions with ALTER TABLE MY_TABLE DROP PARTITION lower_value <= VALUES < upper_value; lower_value and upper_value being the borders of the partition to drop. Make sure not to create gaps in the partitioning by this.
B. if you want to undo the complete partitioning, you need to involve a third table (helper table) in order to shift the data around. Use the following procedure:
1. create table "helper_schema"."my_table" like "SAPSID_schema"."my_table" with data without partition without index;
--> make sure this really worked, note that the indexes get lost here. Note the extra schema we use here, mainly for safety reasons in order not to mess up with table names.
2. drop "SAPSID_schema"."my_table";
--> the original table and data gets lost
3. create table "SAPSID_schema"."my_table" like "helper_schema"."my_table" with data without partition without index;
--> in this step you shift the data from your helper table back to a clean version of the original table.
4. recreate any indices as defined in SE11 (back to ABAP system now) valid for your database. Usually this is done in SE14, the database utility.
Warm regards,