Hi All
I'm trying to do archiving under BW 7.01 (EHP 1) with ADK and in a first test everything runs as expected (archive/delete/reload). But in a second test I have a problem with the LOGICAL PATH assignement (technically it points to a non existent directory) so I received an error after executing Write procedure in trx SARA. I proceed to invalidate the archiving session and now it appears in SARA->Management as one of the Invalid Archiving Sessions but my problem begins at this point because after fixing the LOGICAL PATH, when I try to execute the archiving process I repeatedly see that the archiving jobs end without errors after just one second with the following messages:
"Selected area already completely archived - RSDA 226"
"Exception condition in row 235 of include CL_RSDA_DAP_A=================CM007 (program CL_RSDA_DAP_A=================CP) - RSDA 140"
and I cannot find the way to eliminate this and repeat the archive process that was never done.
What can I do to invalidate/eliminate the previous session that did nothing and repeat a new one ?