Dear all,
We have archived all transaction data for customers, only table KNC1/KNC3 remains (customer transaction figures).
Then we'll run FI_ACCRECV.
Our client runs the carry forward transaction F.07 for all customers every year (1 January) which means new zero-lines are also created for deletion marked customers. Though, Archiving Object FI_TF_DEB doesn't archive current or previous year. So we cannot archive the customers.
Our client doesn't want to wait until year 2015 for archiving.
So, the 2 problems:
1) How to prevent F.07 from carring forward for deletion marked customers?
2) Is it possible somehow to archive customer transaction figures in currect and previous year (only zero lines)? I think the previous archiving object FI_MONTHLY allowed it...
Best regards
Lennart Pahlman