Dear Jurgen / Experts,
I found two more questions and hope these are real sophisticated questions for you -
Q4) After archieving a Material with "Test Mode", I found error as below -
MARC: 8100 planned order exists
Message no. W4008
A planned order exists for the material.
Delete the planned order. You can then archive the material.
I had checked in MD04 but didn't find any Planned Order for the Material. There were already no refernced documents for this Raw Material such as PO, PR, Info. Rec., Source List & Mat doc. etc.
Besides the above error, also found the following error -
MBEW: 8100 plant is assigned to the valuation area
Message no. W4031
The material cannot be archived for this valuation area since the material is still used in dependent tables.
Delete these dependencies. You can then archive the material for the valuation area.
MARA: Dependent material master data still exists
Message no. W4134
Could you advise how to check and fix the above problem ?
Q5) Regarding the SAP note 314330 - Enhancements for the selection criteria SO_VBAK, if we would like to customise the variant selection criteria screen for Sales docs. archieving, is it only limited to the fileds in
table - "VBAK" but cannot add the fields from other tables which were also included in the "Database Tables" for the object - "SO_VBAK" under SARA / DB15, e.g. VBUP, VBEP & VAPMA etc. ?
The purpose is to add the Sales doc. item filed from one of these tables in the selection criteria screen so that the arichieving can be specified to the item(s) instead of the whole document. Don't know whether it is feasible, could you pls advise ?
Many Thanks,
KH Fong