Hello experts,
I am in the mist of purging the IDoc entries in my system by using RSETESTD (WE11) program to delete the IDoc entries.
As far as I know, this program will delete the IDoc entries regardless of the status.
While doing the testing, I find out that when I filter the program to delete IDoc entries from certain date range (which results in WE02 shows there is an IDoc entries with the status 51 and 53 in the range that I selected), the program only select and will run the deletion for IDoc with status 51, but not 53.
It will show that "No IDoc is selected" when I tried to delete IDoc with status 53. I double check and I found out that in that date range that I selected from WE02 transaction, there is around 17 of IDoc records with status 53, which is not deleted/detected when I want to delete it using RSETESTD.
Can someone help to enlighten me on why this behaviour is happening please? Are there certain type of IDoc records that this program can't delete? I find out in other system, I have no problem to delete IDoc with status 53 records.
Thanks and Regards,