Hello Karin,
thanks for pointing to the note. I do know this note and many other notes as well which relate to DB reorg.
however our Database is DB2 DB2 v9.7 .
can someone share real time experiences on the DB reorg ?
ex: how much data was archived? and is it ongoing archiving or one time archiving?
we have ongoing archiving and our basis / dba teams say that it is not necessary to do re org if archiving is running on daily basis , as the table space doesnt need to be reclaimed (because new data going into the tables will reclaim it anyway). also another point they say is that generally a reorg on a large table ex: >300 GB takes avg 4 or 6 hours and hence it is not recommended (offline)
instead they say indexes are good candidates for reorg.
so basically points like these are what is being asked to share in this discussion.
share the actual work/effor that someone put into the DB reog activity and what benefits did a reorg give (perfromance improvement besides reducing the size of DB).
Infact the two main goals for an archiving project would be these two (reduce / prevent the db size from growing ) & also performance .