Dear Benedikt,
Thanks for your advice.
Could you also advise why the data of the field "Content Repository (CREP)" is inconsistent for some objects between the "SARA - Customizing - Archiving Object-Specific Customizing - Technical Settings" and the table "ARCH_USR" ? Compare the above screens for details.
OSS had also advised that "the repository "A2" is not required to setup & can leave it empty if archieved files are not stored in external content server (repository)". Would like to ask -
Do you know what is meant by the "external content server (repository)" ?
If we have setup the "Storage Syst.", is it possible to store the previously archieved files (but could not complete the storage job) ?
Could you also advise / provide info. on how to setup the "Storage Syst." in OAC0 & OAC3 & elsewhere (if any) ?
Many Thanks,
KH Fong