Dear Experts,
My problem is related to the following Forum -
I had already marked "Deletion Flag" & "Deletion Ind." for Production Orders using program PPARCHP1, but still found problem on archieving these Production Orders under "SARA" with object - "PP_ORDER" as below -
In the "Write" function, I unchecked "Delete with Test Variant" and executed with Production Mode -
The relevant scheduled jobs had been finished and these Production Orders could also be written to File System, but don't know why the following "Delete" log was still shown as "Test Mode (i.e. session 48)" instead of "Production Mode". I had ever tried to check the "Delete with Test Variant" in the "Write" function and execute the "Delete" function separately without checking the checkbox - "Test Mode", but the "Delete" log was still shown as "Test Mode (i.e. session 46 & 47). Now, these Production Order can still be displayed in CO03.
When archieving other objects such as "SD_VBAK" & "RV_LIKP", I didn't find the above problem. One more strange thing is that the session no. was NOT found in the above "Write" log to match the session no. of "Delete" log while the session no. of the "Write log" could be found in the other objects. Could you advise how to solve this problem ?
Many Thanks,
KH Fong