Dear Jurgen,
Thanks for your reply. Regarding your reply -
Q1) -
1) Does it mean that both the normal planned orders (can be shown in MD04 / MD16) and the simulation planned orders are saved in the table PLAF ? and Does it mean that there is no standard transaction code to show the simulation planned orders, but have to customise report to show these orders ?
Q2) -
2) As I found these messages were in red light (as below), why you said "All messages are warning messages" ?
Q3) -
3) Our valuation area is at plant level. Then, how to fix this Error 3 (W4031) ? The above SAP Note 900537 didn't advise how to delete the dependencies.
4) Except the table field - "MARA-PMATN" which could not be found, I had searched the above tables' fields but nothing was found for the Material. Then, how to fix this Error 4 (W4107) ? Still customise program to call the above mentioned function or else ?
5) Our release is ERP 2005. Is this Error 5 (W4134) a warning or an error actually ? If error as well, how to fix it ?
6) Also, how to fix the Error 2 ?
MARC: 8200 assignments (product group/planning) exist
Message no. W4024
Delete the assignment of the material to the product group. You can then archive the material.
Many Thanks,
KH Fong