Dear Experts,
My problem is related to the following Forums -
I recently tested to archieve another Finished Good Material and found the following errors –
MBEW: 8200 plant is assigned to the valuation area
Message no. W4031
The material cannot be archived for this valuation area since the material is still used in dependent tables.
Delete these dependencies. You can then archive the material for the valuation area.
MARC: 8200 dependent special stocks at the customer exist
Message no. W4098
Reduce the dependent special stocks of the material at the customer's to zero. You can then archive the material.
MARA: Dependent material master data still exists
Message no. W4134
I think the main problem should be the 2nd error “W4098” but I found there is already no any stock in MMBE & MB52, and the last movement of this FG was on 23.12.2006. Even if I had archieved this FG in special stock object “MM_SPSTOCK”. The above errors were still found when archieving through Material Master object “MM_MATNR”.
Could you advise how to fix the above errors so as to archieve the FG Material ?
KH Fong